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Why Should I Join Insight Timer As A Teacher?

We are home to amazing teachers

Insight Timer is not only a platform for beginner and long-time meditators, but it’s also a place for meditation teachers, creators, speakers, researchers, organizations, musicians, and well-being experts to share conscious content with millions of people all over the world.

Free to Use Anytime, Anywhere

Our app hosts the largest free guided meditation library in the world, accessible to all.

Fair and Meaningful Revenue 

Our commitment lies in providing meaningful income to our teachers. Learn more about how teachers can earn revenue on Insight Timer. 

Access to a Global Market

We believe in creating equal opportunities for all teachers. Our platform connects you to a global audience or millions of meditators for free. Simply sign up and start uploading.

A Warm and Engaged Community

Here, people of all backgrounds and colours come together to support each other’s journey to well-being. Over 18,000 teachers, including Tara Brach, Sharon Salzberg, Mooji, and Lama Rod Owens already share their content on the app and have thousands of dedicated listeners. If you decide to join, you’re in good company.


We welcome a wide variety of content, from guided meditations to music tracks, talks, and podcasts. These stem from a variety of different traditions – like Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Secular Mindfulness – and cater to a range of benefits such as sleep, managing stress, and boosting self-confidence.

No Exclusivity

If you feel hesitant about signing contracts or losing rights, there is no need. With Insight Timer, there is no contract and no catch. It is completely free to become a teacher, and you remain in full control of anything you upload.

If you like the idea of joining our community of 26 million meditators, create your publisher account here.

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